An investment advisor is a person or firm engaged in the business of providing investment advice to others or issuing reports or analyses regarding securities, for compensation. It may include money managers, investment consultants, financial planners, general partners of hedge funds, and others who are compensated for providing advice about securities. Investment Advisors in US provide information about securities that does not limit to advice about specific securities such as stocks, bonds, mutual funds, limited partnerships, and commodity pools.

It might include advice about market trends, the selection or retention of other advisers, the advantages of investing in securities over other types of investments, the furnishing of a selective list of securities, and asset allocation as well.
An investment advisor must be chosen if the investor is hoping to make a potentially successful investment, but isn’t entirely sure where to begin from. The main work of an investment advisor is to use long-term savings in an appropriate investment strategy.
Requisites of an investment advisor involve clearing Series 65, Uniform Investment Adviser Law Examination, or an equivalent exam. They’re also governed by the SEC. Coming to Robo advisors then they are software products that assist potential investors to manage their investments without the need to consult a financial advisor or self-management of their portfolio.
These products are provided by a wide variety of financial institutions. Top Robo Advisors such as BeniGro, are established financial companies with a successful history. Similarly, companies like Ellevest, Betterment, Wealthsimple, etc. have been successful for a longer time in this field.
Robo advisors are an alternate trend to traditional financial advisors, and they’re usually a cheaper option than their human counterparts. They also serve as an alternative to an investor simply picking and choosing investments on their own.
Most Robo advisors use mutual funds or exchange-traded funds rather than individual stocks to build their portfolios. They typically follow an index fund or another passive investment approach based on modern portfolio theory research, which emphasizes the importance of allocation of funds to stocks or bonds.
The Best Robo Investment Company offers services at very affordable prices, an easy sign-up process, strong goal planning, professional portfolio management, good security and accessible customer service. Robo-advisors are significantly cheaper than full-service human financial advisors. Technology plays a large role, helping in reducing overhead costs and permitting companies to pass along that savings to customers.