log – is a type of website that is created for the publication of content on various topics with the aim of constant interaction with its visitors. Is it considered the best way to communicate with your visitors? to which you want to communicate their thoughts and ideas with your content. What you now have published on my blog? Do they know about your site? If not, we have some useful tricks that will help your blog get more visitors.
But first, I want to tell you that what’s the reason why people fail in blogging?

5 Top Reasons You Will Fail in Blogging
There are Thousands of blogger who start their career with a high passion but fail to gain success, there are many reasons behind it. Passion is the very necessary thing for blogging but the passion to earn money can be costly for your career and can lead to failure in blogging career. Do not keep your focus on earning. This is also why most of the new bloggers fail. Today I will describe some common thing that causes failure in blogging.
Blog design
Mostly new blogger download a free template online and apply on their blog. Template designers makeCreate a beautiful free website easily and make your work shine! of their own choice and requirement, like navigation menu and other widgets but newbies do not know how to edit the template and modify the template. Navigation menu and design of template help visitors to look for content of their choice. So it is recommended you make comfortable navigation menu and add important widgets and gadgets like a popular post, recent post and random post widget to keep update your visitor about new content on your blog. These widgets give more exposure of your blog to visitors and also help to increase page views.
Lack of SEO
All professional blogger knows the importance the SEO. Every blogger needs traffic and without SEO it is not possible. If you have no knowledge of SEO than a single mistake in SEO can be costly for you and can cause blogging failure. Basically there two main pillars of SEO, first are on page SEO and the second one is off page SEO. Images are also very important in SEO you must optimize post images SEO. It helps the visitors to understand the topic.
SEO a is a very sensitive thing, a single mistake can destroy your blogging career. There are numerous thing the in the search engine optimization process, it is not a single point and It takes the time it is not a one-day procedure, you have to work regularly. Hence to avoid failure in blogging you must have enough knowledge of SEO. You should also read about SEO for a new Website
Not updating blog regularly
Time is an important thing to update your blog. Many bloggers are studying or working so it is hard for them to manage time for blogging, but it is necessary to manage it. Updating you post with new information and giving the reply to comments, these are very small but important things in blogging career. You must keep your eye on broken links and errors and try to fix them as soon as possible.
Lack of common skills
For successes full blogging you must have good writing skills. It is very basic need of blogger Try to give valuable information to your visitors. Grammar and misspelling can change the meaning of the whole sentence. It can also cause failure and destroy your blogging career. Use simple English words in your article. Images are an important thing, it help visitors it attract the attention of viewers, so you must have photo editing skills. The most popular image editing software is adobe photoshop, it is very easy to use.It is very useful in blogging career.
Lack of social media presence
This is a very important factor for success full blogging career. Do not focus only at facebook, try to promote your blog on other popular social media networks, like twitter google plus and many others.
Join blogging communities and forums, communicate with other blogger and make relationships with them.You can gain a huge number of visitors only from social media site, not just that it also helps in ranking your blog to top.
Hence social media can make your blogging career successful so do not ignore it.
7 ways to attract Visitors
Share posts via social networks. You must share each post you write, your friends and colleagues via social networks. If someone likes your profile, it means that he or she may be interested in and your blog. In the world, there are many social networking sites where you can share your post, the most famous of which are: Facebook, Twitter, Digg, Myspace, Stumbleupon, Delicious, and others.
Start a forum for bloggers. Forums are considered to be the most modern means of promoting your blog on a separate target group. You can connect with other bloggers to get comments, tips, and tricks that will help you to make your blog better. It may be the best means of communication with the right people in order to promote your blog.
Constantly update your content with SEO. Search engines like Google, Yahoo, Bing, etc. are always looking for quality content. If your blog contains good quality content, the search engines it is much easier to index.
Communicate with different groups. The Internet there are a lot of different groups and communities of bloggers who can help you to contact individual bloggers from different cities and countries. Moreover, you can get them fixed and relevant reviews.
Write guest posts. You can also connect with other blogs that accept guest posts. As a guest post write unique content, an appropriate topic for the blog. If a guest post will be published on another blog, your blog will get him backlink.
Add your blog to blog directories. You can add your blog to the popular directory of blogs. Anyone who is looking for a blog of your niche market will go to your blog if it is in this directory.
Comment on other blogs. You can comment on the posts in other blogs of your niche market, and comments will link back to your blog; and when others will comment on your posts (as of comments gain more), you can publish only those comments that meet your theme and attract the attention of other bloggers to your own blog.
If you are the owner of the blog, these tricks will help you increase the credibility of your blog, thus increasing visitor traffic.